BCI Term Life Insurance

January 5, 2023

SCMEBF plan active participants have the option to sign up for Term Life Insurance through BCI. 

Now, active SCMEBF participants who sign up prior to February 15, 2023, (with an effective date of March 1, 2023) will not be subject to medical questions or testing of any kind for approval.

Please note that while the deadline to enroll with no medical questions or testing is 2/15/23, any active plan participant who misses the deadline can still enroll. Active members who enroll after February 15, 2023, will be medically underwritten from the first dollar. Any active plan participant who enrolls in Supplemental Life coverage can reduce the amount they elected during their Open Enrollment at any time without penalty. Additionally, any active member who enrolls in Supplemental Life coverage can cancel their policy entirely at any time without penalty.